
Beauty in Asia: Micro or Macro Influencers? (South Korea and Japan Edition)

The Asian beauty market is defined by its ability to swiftly launch new brands, new products and new technologies charged by the adoption of the digital world which is completely reshaping the retail market. With over 9.9% of beauty product sales occurring online in Asia, digital channels have lowered barriers to entry, enabling consumers from […]

Is The New Instagram Algorithm Impacting Influencer Engagement?

Overview It cannot be denied that Instagram is still an important force for many brands. The beauty community on Instagram contains up to 200 million fans, making up 25% of the whole of Instagram’s community according to Digi Day. One of the biggest conversations this year has been about the impact of Instagram’s new algorithm […]

What Makes An Influencer “Right” For You?

Hello all! There have been many interesting conversations surrounding what makes an influencer “right” and how to choose them, comparing factors such as their reach, relevance and engagement. We discuss this below, in an attempt to help you make the most effective decisions possible. As always, any feedback or comments or if you want to […]

[Advertising Week] Optimise Your Influencer Marketing with Tips from a Fantasy Football Expert

Winning in influencer marketing is all about strategising for long-term success. Rather than working with whichever influencers are available at a given time, invest the time to research their background, and you’ll build a valuable, lasting relationship. With an arsenal of relevant and dedicated influencers, your brand is certain to shine. Here at Wearisma, we like to think […]

What are the risks of influencer marketing without research and strategy?

Image credits: @markwickens, @maria_bernad

[ credits: @markwickens, @maria_bernad]   You know the drill: you’ve got an event next week and need to plan your social ASAP. Time to reach out to as many influencers (or brief as many agencies) as possible, and pray a handful can do a cheap sponsored post. The more social the better, right? But even […]

Diary Directory Sits down with Wearisma: Jemma Lamble meets Jenny Tsai

Last week saw the release of the sit down interview between Wearisma CEO and founder, Jenny Tsai with Diary Directory’s deputy editor, Jemma Lamble, to discuss the future of influencer marketing and the role Wearisma will play in the future of social and digital. Overview Introducing digital trend, visual commerce – the ability to shop […]

The Real Deal : Is Influencer Marketing losing its authenticity?

Consumer behaviour, traditionally, is an sub-conscious or considered act encouraged to take place when influenced by a greater, more powerful and seemingly trusted voice. Where print publications and TV ads used to dictate the purchasing habits of targeted markets around the world, now influencer marketing is the go-to guide of what to buy, where to […]

Pinterest: The forgotten influencer marketing platform?

Creating an influencer marketplace, connecting brands to the right kind of influencers can be a make or break task for social media platforms. Throwing their hats into the ring are Pinterest. Last month Pinterest launched, the “Pin Collective”- a group of expert Pinterest creators. The aim of this new branch is to connect brands with […]

Black Friday: The influential voice retailers are missing

With the most anticipated day in the whole of the annual retail period, brand’s will be gearing up for their biggest revenue push before the new year, their best hope lie in the money monopoly otherwise known as Black Friday. With the panic shopper and bargain hunter planning their shopping list now, retailers grapple to meet […]