
How we
Support Agencies

Strategic Benefits

Grow your agency’s influencer marketing capabilities to increase client value and competitive performance. Increase client revenues and target new growth opportunities.

Use our multi-metric effectiveness data to strengthen your pitches and win new business.

Establish and support strong collaboration between global and local teams.

Industry performance

Industry performance

Channel effectiveness

Channel effectiveness

Opportunities identification

Opportunity identification

Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence

How WeArisma Can Help?

Industry Intelligence

Multi-metric Industry Intelligence

Benchmark where you rank in your industry

Competitive Deep-dive

Competitive Deep-dive

Compare performance and learn how to get ahead

Effectiveness Measurement

Effectiveness Measurement

Evaluate the effectiveness of the influencers you work with

Executional excellence

Increase scope of work and product offering with existing and prospective clients and secure additional influencer marketing budget allocation.

Understand and measure the impact influencers have on your clients’ brand.

Measure and optimise influencer marketing campaign effectiveness and showcase success to clients.

Influencer effectiveness

Influencer effectiveness

New influencer

New influencer and community identification

Effectiveness forecasting

Effectiveness forecasting

Top Performing

Top performing influencer identification

How WeArisma Can Help?

Effectiveness Measurement

Effectiveness Measurement

Evaluate the effectiveness of the influencers you work with

Finding the Right Influencers

Find the Right Influencers

Discover influencers that align with your brand values and perform well in your industry

Campaign Optimisation

Campaign Optimisation and Forecasting

Determine future influencer strategy effectiveness 

Top Performing Influencer

Top Performing Influencer Identification

Optimise your influencer portfolio

Online Community

Grow your online community

Discover and work with targeted consumer advocates